Domain Keys Identified Mail – DKIM

DKIM stands for Domain Keys Identified Mail. DKIM is used for the authentication of outgoing emails. Like SPF, DKIM is an open standard for email authentication that is used for DMARC alignment. A DKIM record is a DNS TXT record, but it is a different than SPF. DKIM’s advantage is that it can survive forwarding, which makes it superior to SPF and a foundation for securing your email.

How Domain Keys Identified Mail – DKIM Works

How DKIM Works

DKIM adds a signature header which is added to the email and secured with encryption. This DKIM signature acts like a tamper-proof seal for email to verify that it has actually come from the domain it says it does and that it hasn’t been tampered with.

To use DKIM, email servers are configured to attach special signatures to the emails they send. These signatures travel with the emails and are verified along the way by the email servers that move the emails toward their final destination.

Importance of DKIM for Email?

  • Protection of message integrity. The content of the email can be verified that it hasn’t been changed while being sent.
  • Increases domain reputation and email deliverability
  • One of the foundational methods of email authentication for DMARC.

You can use DKIM Inspector to test your DKIM. This is a free diagnostic tool that you can use to test your DKIM settings if you’ve already started implementing DKIM for your domain(s). This tool will be very helpful for you.

To know more or assistance on email security consultation contact us or email at


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